Bits to KB Conversion

Convert Bits to kilobytes. Please enter the bits (b) value to convert to kilobytes (KB).

Bits to Kilokilobytes Converter
1 bit = 0.000125 KB

How many Kilobytes in a Bit

1 Bit is equal to (1/8) × 100-3 Kilobytes.
1 Bit = (1/8) × 10-3 Kilobytes.
1 Bit = (1/8) × 0.001 Kilobytes.
1 b = 0.000125 KB.

There are 0.000125 Kilobytes in a Bit.

Bits (b)Kilobytes (KB)
100 bits 103 × 8 bits
1 bits8,000 bits
(100 / 8) bytes 103 bytes
0.125 bytes1000 bytes


Bit (b) is a measurement unit used in binary system to store or transmit data, like internet connection speed or the quality scale of an audio or a video recording. A bit is usually represented with a 0 or a 1. 8 bits make 1 byte. A bit can also be represented by other values like yes/no, true/false, plus/minus, and so on. A bit is one of the fundamental units used in computer technology, information technology, digital communication, as well as for storing, processing and transmitting various types of data.

1 bit = 10000 bits
1 bit = 1 × (1/8000) kilobytes
1 bit = (1/8000) kilobytes
1 bit = 0.000125 KB


Kilobyte (KB) is a common measurement unit of digital information (including text, sound, graphic, video, and other sorts of information) that equals to 1000 bytes. In practical information technology, KB is actually equal to 210 bytes, which makes it equal to 1024 bytes. Decades ago, this unit used to be one of the most popular ones, but recently, since the volumes of information increased drastically, such unit as gigabyte has become more commonly used.

1 kilobyte = 1000 bytes
1 byte = 8 bit
1 kilobyte = 8000 bits
1 bit = (1 / 8000) KB

Bits to Kilobytes Conversion Table

Bits (b) Kilobytes (KB)
1 bit0.000125 KB
2 bit0.00025 KB
3 bit0.000375 KB
4 bit0.0005 KB
5 bit0.000625 KB
6 bit0.00075 KB
7 bit0.000875 KB
8 bit0.001 KB
9 bit0.001125 KB
10 bit0.00125 KB
11 bit0.001375 KB
12 bit0.0015 KB
13 bit0.001625 KB
14 bit0.00175 KB
15 bit0.001875 KB
16 bit0.002 KB
17 bit0.002125 KB
18 bit0.00225 KB
19 bit0.002375 KB
20 bit0.0025 KB
21 bit0.002625 KB
22 bit0.00275 KB
23 bit0.002875 KB
24 bit0.003 KB
25 bit0.003125 KB
26 bit0.00325 KB
27 bit0.003375 KB
28 bit0.0035 KB
29 bit0.003625 KB
30 bit0.00375 KB
31 bit0.003875 KB
32 bit0.004 KB
33 bit0.004125 KB
34 bit0.00425 KB
35 bit0.004375 KB
36 bit0.0045 KB
37 bit0.004625 KB
38 bit0.00475 KB
39 bit0.004875 KB
40 bit0.005 KB
Bits (b) Kilobytes (KB)
100 bit0.0125 KB
200 bit0.025 KB
300 bit0.0375 KB
400 bit0.05 KB
500 bit0.0625 KB
600 bit0.075 KB
700 bit0.0875 KB
800 bit0.1 KB
900 bit0.1125 KB
1000 bit0.125 KB
1100 bit0.1375 KB
1200 bit0.15 KB
1300 bit0.1625 KB
1400 bit0.175 KB
1500 bit0.1875 KB
1600 bit0.2 KB
1700 bit0.2125 KB
1800 bit0.225 KB
1900 bit0.2375 KB
2000 bit0.25 KB
2100 bit0.2625 KB
2200 bit0.275 KB
2300 bit0.2875 KB
2400 bit0.3 KB
2500 bit0.3125 KB
2600 bit0.325 KB
2700 bit0.3375 KB
2800 bit0.35 KB
2900 bit0.3625 KB
3000 bit0.375 KB
3100 bit0.3875 KB
3200 bit0.4 KB
3300 bit0.4125 KB
3400 bit0.425 KB
3500 bit0.4375 KB
3600 bit0.45 KB
3700 bit0.4625 KB
3800 bit0.475 KB
3900 bit0.4875 KB
4000 bit0.5 KB