How Big is a Petabyte, a Terabyte, or a Gigabyte
Terabyte is the unit of digital information and equal to 1,000,000,000,000 bytes or 1012 bytes in SI (International System of Units). 1 Terabyte is also 10244 bytes or 1,099,511,627,776 bytes in base 2 (binary system) that computers use.
Petabyte is equal to 1,000,000,000,000,000 bytes or 1015 bytes of digital information in SI (International System of Units). 1 Petabyte is also 10245 bytes or 1,125,899,906,842,624 bytes in base 2 (binary system) that computers use.
1 petabyte is equivalent to 1000 terabytes in base 10 as well as is equal to 1,024 terabytes in base 2. So we can say that after terabyte comes petabyte, and a petabyte is a thousand times bigger than a terabyte.
Check these examples:
1 PB 1,000 TB (decimal) 1,024 TB (binary)
5 PB 5,000 TB (decimal) 5,120 TB (binary)
10 PB 10,000 TB (decimal) 10,240 TB (binary)
20 PB 20,000 TB (decimal) 20,480 TB (binary)
50 PB 50,000 TB (decimal) 51,200 TB (binary)
100 PB 100,000 TB (decimal) 102,400 TB (binary)
You can use our online and user-friendly tool to convert to petabytes to terabytes.
There are one thousand gigabytes (103 GB) in a terabyte. In addition, in binary system there are 1,024 GB or 210 GB in 1 TB. On the other hand, there are 1,000,000 GB (10002) in a petabyte according to the decimal system. And 1 PB is equal to 1,048,576 GB or 220 GB according to the system that computers use.
Check these examples:
1 PB 1,000,000 GB (decimal) 1,048,576 GB (binary)
5 PB 5,000,000 GB (decimal) 5,242,880 GB (binary)
10 PB 10,000,000 GB (decimal) 10,485,760 GB (binary)
20 PB 20,000,000 GB (decimal) 20,971,520 GB (binary)
50 PB 50,000,000 GB (decimal) 52,428,800 GB (binary)
100 PB 100,000,000 GB (decimal) 104,857,600 GB (binary)
You can use our online and user-friendly tool to convert to petabytes to gigabytes.