How do you convert Megabytes to Gigabytes

In Decimal SI (base 10):

1 gigabyte is equal to 1,000,000,000 bytes in the decimal system. And 1 megabyte consists of 1,000,000 bytes. There are 1000 megabytes in one gigabyte. So, a gigabyte is one thousand times bigger than a megabyte. For example, we have 1000 MB data storage. If you divide this by 1000, you will get 1 GB. Or, for example, you have an iPad with 64 GB capacity. When you multiply 64 GB by 1000, you will get 64,000 MB. If you have a 2GB USB flash drive, that means you have a 2,000 MB storage capacity in base 10.

Let's check other examples:

4 GB = 4,000 MB

6 GB = 6,000 MB

8 GB = 8,000 MB

10 GB = 10,000 MB

12 GB = 12,000 MB

In Binary (base 2):

1 gigabyte is equal to 1.073.741.824 bytes in the binary system. And 1 megabyte consists of 1,048,576 bytes. There are 1,024 MB in 1 GB. So using these values, we can convert Megabytes to Gigabytes. For example, if we need to convert 2,048 MB to GB, then we have to divide this number by 1,024. And the result will be 2 GB in base 2. Or, for example, you have an iPad with 32 GB capacity. When you multiply 32 GB by 1,024, you will get 32,768 MB. If you have a 128GB USB flash drive, that means you have a 131,072 MB storage capacity in base 2.

Let's check other examples:

4 GB = 4,096 MB

6 GB = 6,144 MB

8 GB = 8,192 MB

10 GB = 10,240 MB

12 GB = 12,288 MB

You can easily convert Megabytes to Gigabytes for base 10 (Decimal SI) and base 2 (Binary) using our online tool