How much is 1.2 GB in MB
Which is bigger, PB or GB?
The petabyte is a unit byte for digital information with prefix Peta, and it equals to one thousand million million bytes. In other words, a petabyte is equivalent to 10005 (1,000,000,000,000,000) bytes in SI and base 10 standards or 250 (1,125,899,906,842,624) bytes in base 2 (binary) system.
The gigabyte is unit byte for digital information with prefix Giga, and it equals to one thousand million bytes. In other words, a gigabyte is equivalent to 10003 (1,000,000,000) bytes in SI and base 10 standards or 230 (1,073,741,824) bytes in base 2 (binary) system.
1 petabyte is 1000*2 (1,000,000) Gigabytes in SI, and 10242 (1,048,576) Gigabytes in base 2.
Finally, we can say that a petabyte is one million times bigger than a gigabyte.
Is 1 GB equal to 1024 MB or 1000 MB?
A Gigabyte is one thousand times bigger than a Megabyte. One gigabyte is equal to 1000 megabytes or 103 MB in SI standards. And also 1 gigabyte is equal to 1024 megabytes or 210 MB in binary system which computers use.
How much is 1.2 GB in MB?
1 Gigabyte is equal to 10003 bytes. And we know that one megabyte is 10002 bytes, so 1 Gigabyte is equal to 1,000 x 1 MB.
And, 1 Gigabyte is 1,000 Megabytes.
1.2 GB = 1,2 x 1000 Megabytes
1.2 GB = 1200 MB (in base 10)
1 Gigabyte is equal to 10243 bytes. And we know that one megabyte is 10242 bytes, so 1 Gigabyte is equal to 1024 x 10242 bytes.
And, 1 Gigabyte is 1024 x 1 MB
1 GB = 1024 MB
1.2 GB = 1,2 x 1024 megabytes
1.2 GB = 1228.8 MB (in base 2)
How much is 1.5 GB?
1.5 GB = 1,5 x 1000 = 1500 MB (in decimal)
1.5 GB = 1,5 x 1024 = 1536 MB (in binary)