Bytes to Bits Conversion
Convert bytes to bits. Please enter the bytes value to convert to bits.
How many Bits in a Byte
There are 8 bits in a byte. 1 byte = 8 bits.
Byte is the basic unit of digital information transmission and storage, used extensively in information technology, digital technology, and other related fields. It is one of the smallest units of memory in computer technology, as well as one of the most basic data measurement units in programming. The earliest computers were made with the processor supporting 1 byte commands, because in 1 byte you can send 256 commands. 1 byte consists of 8 bits, which go together as one unit in storage, processing or transmission of digital information.
Byte is the unit of data Unit symbol of byte is B (uppercase) 1 byte = 8 bits
Bit (b) is a measurement unit used in binary system to store or transmit data, like internet connection speed or the quality scale of an audio or a video recording. A bit is usually represented with a 0 or a 1. 8 bits make 1 byte. A bit can also be represented by other values like yes/no, true/false, plus/minus, and so on. A bit is one of the fundamental units used in computer technology, information technology, digital communication, as well as for storing, processing and transmitting various types of data.
Bit is the basic unit of data Bit has only two values: 0 or 1 Unit symbol of bit is b (lowercase)
Bytes to Bits Conversion Table
Bytes (B) | Bits (b) |
1 Bytes | 8 bits |
2 Bytes | 16 bits |
3 Bytes | 24 bits |
4 Bytes | 32 bits |
5 Bytes | 40 bits |
6 Bytes | 48 bits |
7 Bytes | 56 bits |
8 Bytes | 64 bits |
9 Bytes | 72 bits |
10 Bytes | 80 bits |
11 Bytes | 88 bits |
12 Bytes | 96 bits |
13 Bytes | 104 bits |
14 Bytes | 112 bits |
15 Bytes | 120 bits |
16 Bytes | 128 bits |
17 Bytes | 136 bits |
18 Bytes | 144 bits |
19 Bytes | 152 bits |
20 Bytes | 160 bits |
21 Bytes | 168 bits |
22 Bytes | 176 bits |
23 Bytes | 184 bits |
24 Bytes | 192 bits |
25 Bytes | 200 bits |
26 Bytes | 208 bits |
27 Bytes | 216 bits |
28 Bytes | 224 bits |
29 Bytes | 232 bits |
30 Bytes | 240 bits |
31 Bytes | 248 bits |
32 Bytes | 256 bits |
33 Bytes | 264 bits |
34 Bytes | 272 bits |
35 Bytes | 280 bits |
36 Bytes | 288 bits |
37 Bytes | 296 bits |
38 Bytes | 304 bits |
39 Bytes | 312 bits |
40 Bytes | 320 bits |
41 Bytes | 328 bits |
42 Bytes | 336 bits |
43 Bytes | 344 bits |
44 Bytes | 352 bits |
45 Bytes | 360 bits |
46 Bytes | 368 bits |
47 Bytes | 376 bits |
48 Bytes | 384 bits |
49 Bytes | 392 bits |
50 Bytes | 400 bits |
51 Bytes | 408 bits |
52 Bytes | 416 bits |
53 Bytes | 424 bits |
54 Bytes | 432 bits |
55 Bytes | 440 bits |
56 Bytes | 448 bits |
57 Bytes | 456 bits |
58 Bytes | 464 bits |
59 Bytes | 472 bits |
60 Bytes | 480 bits |
61 Bytes | 488 bits |
62 Bytes | 496 bits |
63 Bytes | 504 bits |
64 Bytes | 512 bits |
Bytes (B) | Bits (b) |
64 Bytes | 512 bits |
65 Bytes | 520 bits |
66 Bytes | 528 bits |
67 Bytes | 536 bits |
68 Bytes | 544 bits |
69 Bytes | 552 bits |
70 Bytes | 560 bits |
71 Bytes | 568 bits |
72 Bytes | 576 bits |
73 Bytes | 584 bits |
74 Bytes | 592 bits |
75 Bytes | 600 bits |
76 Bytes | 608 bits |
77 Bytes | 616 bits |
78 Bytes | 624 bits |
79 Bytes | 632 bits |
80 Bytes | 640 bits |
81 Bytes | 648 bits |
82 Bytes | 656 bits |
83 Bytes | 664 bits |
84 Bytes | 672 bits |
85 Bytes | 680 bits |
86 Bytes | 688 bits |
87 Bytes | 696 bits |
88 Bytes | 704 bits |
89 Bytes | 712 bits |
90 Bytes | 720 bits |
91 Bytes | 728 bits |
92 Bytes | 736 bits |
93 Bytes | 744 bits |
94 Bytes | 752 bits |
95 Bytes | 760 bits |
96 Bytes | 768 bits |
97 Bytes | 776 bits |
98 Bytes | 784 bits |
99 Bytes | 792 bits |
100 Bytes | 800 bits |
101 Bytes | 808 bits |
102 Bytes | 816 bits |
103 Bytes | 824 bits |
104 Bytes | 832 bits |
105 Bytes | 840 bits |
106 Bytes | 848 bits |
107 Bytes | 856 bits |
108 Bytes | 864 bits |
109 Bytes | 872 bits |
110 Bytes | 880 bits |
111 Bytes | 888 bits |
112 Bytes | 896 bits |
113 Bytes | 904 bits |
114 Bytes | 912 bits |
115 Bytes | 920 bits |
116 Bytes | 928 bits |
117 Bytes | 936 bits |
118 Bytes | 944 bits |
119 Bytes | 952 bits |
120 Bytes | 960 bits |
121 Bytes | 968 bits |
122 Bytes | 976 bits |
123 Bytes | 984 bits |
124 Bytes | 992 bits |
125 Bytes | 1000 bits |
126 Bytes | 1008 bits |
127 Bytes | 1016 bits |
128 Bytes | 1024 bits |