Gbit to GB Conversion

Please enter the gigabits (Gbit) value to convert to gigabytes (GB).

Gigabits to Gigabytes
1 Gbit = 0.125 GB

How many Gigabytes in a Gigabit

1 Gigabit is equal to (1/8) × 109-9 Gigabytes.
1 Gigabit = (1/8) × 100 Gigabytes.
1 Gigabit = (1/8) × 1 Gigabytes.
1 Gbit = 0.125 GB.

There are 0.125 Gigabytes in a Gigabit.

Gigabits (Gbit)Gigabytes (GB)
109 bits 109 × 8 bits
1,000,000,000 bits8,000,000,000 bits
(109 / 8) bytes 109 bytes
125000000 bytes1000000000 bytes


Gigabit is a data information transfer or storage measurement unit, which is equal to 1,000,000,000 bits or 109 bits. Gigabit has a symbol of Gbit. This unit is commonly used to estimate local area network (LAN) connection speed or for measurement of data transfer between two nodes.

1 gigabit = 10003 bits
1 gigabit = 10003 × (1/(8×10003)) gigabytes
1 gigabit = (1/8) gigabytes
1 Gbit = 0.125 GB


Gigabyte (GB) is one of the most commonly used units of digital information which is equal to 1,000,000,000 bytes. However, in computer operating science, the value of 1 GB is considered to be equal to 230 or 10243 bytes which is equal to 1,073,741,824 bytes. GB is often used for indicating a size of memory or specifying a size of a movie, computer RAM, and so on. The maximum amount of information stored in a single layer DVD is usually close to 4.8 GB, and the maximum amount of information that can be stored in a single layer Blu-ray disc is equal to 25 GB.

1 gigabyte = 10003 bytes
1 byte = 8 bit
1 gigabyte = 8×10003 bits
1 bit = (1 / (8×10003)) GB

Gigabits to Gigabytes Conversion Table

Gigabits (Gbit) Gigabytes (GB)
1 Gbit0.125 GB
2 Gbit0.25 GB
3 Gbit0.375 GB
4 Gbit0.5 GB
5 Gbit0.625 GB
6 Gbit0.75 GB
7 Gbit0.875 GB
8 Gbit1 GB
9 Gbit1.125 GB
10 Gbit1.25 GB
11 Gbit1.375 GB
12 Gbit1.5 GB
13 Gbit1.625 GB
14 Gbit1.75 GB
15 Gbit1.875 GB
16 Gbit2 GB
17 Gbit2.125 GB
18 Gbit2.25 GB
19 Gbit2.375 GB
20 Gbit2.5 GB
21 Gbit2.625 GB
22 Gbit2.75 GB
23 Gbit2.875 GB
24 Gbit3 GB
25 Gbit3.125 GB
26 Gbit3.25 GB
27 Gbit3.375 GB
28 Gbit3.5 GB
29 Gbit3.625 GB
30 Gbit3.75 GB
31 Gbit3.875 GB
32 Gbit4 GB
33 Gbit4.125 GB
34 Gbit4.25 GB
35 Gbit4.375 GB
36 Gbit4.5 GB
37 Gbit4.625 GB
38 Gbit4.75 GB
39 Gbit4.875 GB
40 Gbit5 GB
Gigabits (Gbit) Gigabytes (GB)
41 Gbit5.125 GB
42 Gbit5.25 GB
43 Gbit5.375 GB
44 Gbit5.5 GB
45 Gbit5.625 GB
46 Gbit5.75 GB
47 Gbit5.875 GB
48 Gbit6 GB
49 Gbit6.125 GB
50 Gbit6.25 GB
51 Gbit6.375 GB
52 Gbit6.5 GB
53 Gbit6.625 GB
54 Gbit6.75 GB
55 Gbit6.875 GB
56 Gbit7 GB
57 Gbit7.125 GB
58 Gbit7.25 GB
59 Gbit7.375 GB
60 Gbit7.5 GB
61 Gbit7.625 GB
62 Gbit7.75 GB
63 Gbit7.875 GB
64 Gbit8 GB
65 Gbit8.125 GB
66 Gbit8.25 GB
67 Gbit8.375 GB
68 Gbit8.5 GB
69 Gbit8.625 GB
70 Gbit8.75 GB
71 Gbit8.875 GB
72 Gbit9 GB
73 Gbit9.125 GB
74 Gbit9.25 GB
75 Gbit9.375 GB
76 Gbit9.5 GB
77 Gbit9.625 GB
78 Gbit9.75 GB
79 Gbit9.875 GB
80 Gbit10 GB