Gigabytes Values Conversion Table
Gigabytes equivalent values in other units of data conversion table.
Unit | Gigabytes (base 10) | Gigabytes (base 2) | ||
Bytes | 10003 bytes | 1,000,000,000 bytes | 230 bytes | 1,073,741,824 bytes |
Kilobytes (KB) | 10002 KB | 1,000,000 KB | 220 KB | 1,048,576 KB |
Megabytes (MB) | 10001 MB | 1,000 MB | 210 MB | 1024 MB |
Terabytes (TB) | 1000-1 TB | 0.001 TB | 2-10 TB | 0.0009765625 TB |
Petabytes (PB) | 1000-2 PB | 0.000001 PB | 2-20 PB | 0.00000095367432 PB |
Gigabytes in Bits Values Table
Gigabytes equivalent values in other bits units of data conversion table.
Unit | Gigabytes | |
Bits | 8 × 10003 bits | 8,000,000,000 bits |
Kilobits (kbit) | 8 × 10002 bits | 8,000,000 kbits |
Megabits (Mbit) | 8 × 10001 Mbit | 8,000 Mbit |
Gigabits (Gbit) | 8 × 10000 Gbit | 8 Gbit |
Terabits (Tbit) | 8 × 1000-1 Tbit | 0.008 Tbit |
Petabits (Pbit) | 8 × 1000-2 Pbit | 0.000008 Pbit |