kbit to Bytes Conversion
Please enter the kilobits (kbit) value to convert to bytes (B).
How many Bytes in a Kilobit
1 Kilobit is equal to (1/8) × 103-0 Bytes.
1 Kilobit = (1/8) × 103 Bytes.
1 Kilobit = (1/8) × 1000 Bytes.
1 kbit = 125 B.
There are 125 Bytes in a Kilobit.
Kilobits (kbit) | Bytes (B) |
103 bits | 100 × 8 bits |
1,000 bits | 8 bits |
(103 / 8) bytes | 100 bytes |
125 bytes | 1 bytes |
Kilobit is a quite small unit of digital information, which is equal to 125 bytes. The units like kilobit are usually used for measuring data rates, data transmission or scaling the amount of information that is transmitted per second, with the common abbreviation kbps. Kilobit is equal to 103 bits or 125 bytes. The symbol used for kilobit is kbit.
1 kilobit = 10001 bits 1 kilobit = 1000 × (1/8) bytes 1 kilobit = 125 bytes
Byte is the basic unit of digital information transmission and storage, used extensively in information technology, digital technology, and other related fields. It is one of the smallest units of memory in computer technology, as well as one of the most basic data measurement units in programming. The earliest computers were made with the processor supporting 1 byte commands, because in 1 byte you can send 256 commands. 1 byte consists of 8 bits, which go together as one unit in storage, processing or transmission of digital information.
1 byte = 8 bits 1 bit = (1/8) bytes
kbit to Bytes Conversion Table
Kilobits (kbit) | Bytes (B) |
1 kbit | 125 Bytes |
2 kbit | 250 Bytes |
3 kbit | 375 Bytes |
4 kbit | 500 Bytes |
5 kbit | 625 Bytes |
6 kbit | 750 Bytes |
7 kbit | 875 Bytes |
8 kbit | 1000 Bytes |
9 kbit | 1125 Bytes |
10 kbit | 1250 Bytes |
11 kbit | 1375 Bytes |
12 kbit | 1500 Bytes |
13 kbit | 1625 Bytes |
14 kbit | 1750 Bytes |
15 kbit | 1875 Bytes |
16 kbit | 2000 Bytes |
17 kbit | 2125 Bytes |
18 kbit | 2250 Bytes |
19 kbit | 2375 Bytes |
20 kbit | 2500 Bytes |
21 kbit | 2625 Bytes |
22 kbit | 2750 Bytes |
23 kbit | 2875 Bytes |
24 kbit | 3000 Bytes |
25 kbit | 3125 Bytes |
26 kbit | 3250 Bytes |
27 kbit | 3375 Bytes |
28 kbit | 3500 Bytes |
29 kbit | 3625 Bytes |
30 kbit | 3750 Bytes |
31 kbit | 3875 Bytes |
32 kbit | 4000 Bytes |
33 kbit | 4125 Bytes |
34 kbit | 4250 Bytes |
35 kbit | 4375 Bytes |
36 kbit | 4500 Bytes |
37 kbit | 4625 Bytes |
38 kbit | 4750 Bytes |
39 kbit | 4875 Bytes |
40 kbit | 5000 Bytes |
Kilobits (kbit) | Bytes (B) |
41 kbit | 5125 Bytes |
42 kbit | 5250 Bytes |
43 kbit | 5375 Bytes |
44 kbit | 5500 Bytes |
45 kbit | 5625 Bytes |
46 kbit | 5750 Bytes |
47 kbit | 5875 Bytes |
48 kbit | 6000 Bytes |
49 kbit | 6125 Bytes |
50 kbit | 6250 Bytes |
51 kbit | 6375 Bytes |
52 kbit | 6500 Bytes |
53 kbit | 6625 Bytes |
54 kbit | 6750 Bytes |
55 kbit | 6875 Bytes |
56 kbit | 7000 Bytes |
57 kbit | 7125 Bytes |
58 kbit | 7250 Bytes |
59 kbit | 7375 Bytes |
60 kbit | 7500 Bytes |
61 kbit | 7625 Bytes |
62 kbit | 7750 Bytes |
63 kbit | 7875 Bytes |
64 kbit | 8000 Bytes |
65 kbit | 8125 Bytes |
66 kbit | 8250 Bytes |
67 kbit | 8375 Bytes |
68 kbit | 8500 Bytes |
69 kbit | 8625 Bytes |
70 kbit | 8750 Bytes |
71 kbit | 8875 Bytes |
72 kbit | 9000 Bytes |
73 kbit | 9125 Bytes |
74 kbit | 9250 Bytes |
75 kbit | 9375 Bytes |
76 kbit | 9500 Bytes |
77 kbit | 9625 Bytes |
78 kbit | 9750 Bytes |
79 kbit | 9875 Bytes |
80 kbit | 10000 Bytes |