MB to MiB Conversion

Please enter the megabytes (MB) value to convert to mebibytes (MiB).

Megabytes to Mebibytes
1 MB = 0.95367431640625 MiB

How many Mebibytes in a Megabyte

1 Megabyte is equal to (106 / 220) mebibytes.

There are 0.95367431640625 mebibytes in a Megabyte.
1 MB = 0.95367431640625 MiB

MB: unit symbol of Megabyte
MiB: unit symbol of Mebibyte

Megabytes (MB)Mebibytes (MiB)
106 bytes220 bytes
1,000,000 bytes1,048,576 bytes
1,000,000 × 8 bits1,048,576 × 8 bits
8,000,000 bits8,388,608 bits


Megabyte (MB) is a unit of transferred or stored digital information, which is extensively used in information and computer technology. In SI, one megabyte is equal to 1,000,000 bytes. At the same time, practically 1 megabyte is used as 220 B, which means 1,048,576 bytes. Nowadays, the amount of information measured by megabytes is used for representing the size of a typical MP3 file, the size of a JPEG image, and so on.

Megabyte is the unit of data with SI decimal prefix Mega.

                Mega = 106
1 Megabyte = 106 bytes
1 Megabyte = 1,000,000 bytes

SI: The International System of Units.


Mebibyte is the unit of data with IEC binary prefix Mebi.

                Mebi = 2201 Mebibyte = 220 bytes
1 Mebibyte = 1,048,576 bytes

IEC: International Electrotechnical Commission.

How to Calculate Megabytes to Mebibytes

        Mega is the SI decimal prefix equal to 106
1 Megabyte = 106 bytes
1 Megabyte = 1,000,000 bytes
        Mebi is the IEC binary prefix equal to 220
1 Mebibyte = 220 bytes
1 Mebibyte = 1,048,576 bytes
1 byte = 1 Mebibyte / 1,048,5761 Megabyte = 1,000,000 bytes
1 Megabyte = 1,000,000 × (Mebibytes / 1,048,576)
1 Megabyte = 0.95367431640625 Mebibytes    

Megabytes to Mebibytes Conversion Table

Megabytes (MB) Mebibytes (MiB)
1 MB0.95367431640625 MiB
2 MB1.9073486328125 MiB
3 MB2.8610229492188 MiB
4 MB3.814697265625 MiB
5 MB4.7683715820312 MiB
6 MB5.7220458984375 MiB
7 MB6.6757202148438 MiB
8 MB7.62939453125 MiB
9 MB8.5830688476562 MiB
10 MB9.5367431640625 MiB
11 MB10.490417480469 MiB
12 MB11.444091796875 MiB
13 MB12.397766113281 MiB
14 MB13.351440429688 MiB
15 MB14.305114746094 MiB
16 MB15.2587890625 MiB
17 MB16.212463378906 MiB
18 MB17.166137695312 MiB
19 MB18.119812011719 MiB
20 MB19.073486328125 MiB
21 MB20.027160644531 MiB
22 MB20.980834960938 MiB
23 MB21.934509277344 MiB
24 MB22.88818359375 MiB
25 MB23.841857910156 MiB
26 MB24.795532226562 MiB
27 MB25.749206542969 MiB
28 MB26.702880859375 MiB
29 MB27.656555175781 MiB
30 MB28.610229492188 MiB
31 MB29.563903808594 MiB
32 MB30.517578125 MiB
33 MB31.471252441406 MiB
34 MB32.424926757812 MiB
35 MB33.378601074219 MiB
36 MB34.332275390625 MiB
37 MB35.285949707031 MiB
38 MB36.239624023438 MiB
39 MB37.193298339844 MiB
40 MB38.14697265625 MiB
41 MB39.100646972656 MiB
42 MB40.054321289062 MiB
43 MB41.007995605469 MiB
44 MB41.961669921875 MiB
45 MB42.915344238281 MiB
46 MB43.869018554688 MiB
47 MB44.822692871094 MiB
48 MB45.7763671875 MiB
49 MB46.730041503906 MiB
50 MB47.683715820312 MiB
Megabytes (MB) Mebibytes (MiB)
51 MB48.637390136719 MiB
52 MB49.591064453125 MiB
53 MB50.544738769531 MiB
54 MB51.498413085938 MiB
55 MB52.452087402344 MiB
56 MB53.40576171875 MiB
57 MB54.359436035156 MiB
58 MB55.313110351562 MiB
59 MB56.266784667969 MiB
60 MB57.220458984375 MiB
61 MB58.174133300781 MiB
62 MB59.127807617188 MiB
63 MB60.081481933594 MiB
64 MB61.03515625 MiB
65 MB61.988830566406 MiB
66 MB62.942504882812 MiB
67 MB63.896179199219 MiB
68 MB64.849853515625 MiB
69 MB65.803527832031 MiB
70 MB66.757202148438 MiB
71 MB67.710876464844 MiB
72 MB68.66455078125 MiB
73 MB69.618225097656 MiB
74 MB70.571899414062 MiB
75 MB71.525573730469 MiB
76 MB72.479248046875 MiB
77 MB73.432922363281 MiB
78 MB74.386596679688 MiB
79 MB75.340270996094 MiB
80 MB76.2939453125 MiB
81 MB77.247619628906 MiB
82 MB78.201293945312 MiB
83 MB79.154968261719 MiB
84 MB80.108642578125 MiB
85 MB81.062316894531 MiB
86 MB82.015991210938 MiB
87 MB82.969665527344 MiB
88 MB83.92333984375 MiB
89 MB84.877014160156 MiB
90 MB85.830688476562 MiB
91 MB86.784362792969 MiB
92 MB87.738037109375 MiB
93 MB88.691711425781 MiB
94 MB89.645385742188 MiB
95 MB90.599060058594 MiB
96 MB91.552734375 MiB
97 MB92.506408691406 MiB
98 MB93.460083007812 MiB
99 MB94.413757324219 MiB
100 MB95.367431640625 MiB

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