Megabit to Bit Conversion

Please enter the megabits (Mbit) value to convert to bits (b).

Mbit to b
1 Mbit = 1000000 b

How many Bits in a Megabit

1 Megabit is equal to 106-0 Bits.
1 Megabit = 106 Bits.
1 Megabit = 1000000 Bits.
1 Mbit = 1000000 b.

There are 1000000 Bits in a Megabit.

Megabits (Mbit)Bits (b)
106 bits 100 bits
1,000,000 bits1 bits
(106 / 8) bytes (100 / 8) bytes
125000 bytes0.125 bytes


Megabit is a unit of measurement of digital information transmission or storage. It is one of the basic units in telecommunication and computer science. Megabit has the symbol of Mb, and it equals to 1000 kilobits or 106 bits. This unit is usually used to represent communication speed like our internet speed, as well as network transfer rates, etc.

1 Megabit = 10002 bits
1 Megabit = 10002 × (1/1) Bits1 Megabit = 1000000 Bits1 Mbit = 1000000 b            


Bit (b) is a measurement unit used in binary system to store or transmit data, like internet connection speed or the quality scale of an audio or a video recording. A bit is usually represented with a 0 or a 1. 8 bits make 1 byte. A bit can also be represented by other values like yes/no, true/false, plus/minus, and so on. A bit is one of the fundamental units used in computer technology, information technology, digital communication, as well as for storing, processing and transmitting various types of data.

1 Bit = 10000 bits
1 byte = 8 bit
1 Bit = 1 bits
1 bit = (1 / 1) b            

Megabits to Bits Conversion Table

Megabits (Mbit) Bits (b)
1 Mbit1000000 b
2 Mbit2000000 b
3 Mbit3000000 b
4 Mbit4000000 b
5 Mbit5000000 b
6 Mbit6000000 b
7 Mbit7000000 b
8 Mbit8000000 b
9 Mbit9000000 b
10 Mbit10000000 b
11 Mbit11000000 b
12 Mbit12000000 b
13 Mbit13000000 b
14 Mbit14000000 b
15 Mbit15000000 b
16 Mbit16000000 b
17 Mbit17000000 b
18 Mbit18000000 b
19 Mbit19000000 b
20 Mbit20000000 b
21 Mbit21000000 b
22 Mbit22000000 b
23 Mbit23000000 b
24 Mbit24000000 b
25 Mbit25000000 b
26 Mbit26000000 b
27 Mbit27000000 b
28 Mbit28000000 b
29 Mbit29000000 b
30 Mbit30000000 b
31 Mbit31000000 b
32 Mbit32000000 b
33 Mbit33000000 b
34 Mbit34000000 b
35 Mbit35000000 b
36 Mbit36000000 b
37 Mbit37000000 b
38 Mbit38000000 b
39 Mbit39000000 b
40 Mbit40000000 b
Megabits (Mbit) Bits (b)
1 Mbit1000000 b
1.1 Mbit1100000 b
1.2 Mbit1200000 b
1.3 Mbit1300000 b
1.4 Mbit1400000 b
1.5 Mbit1500000 b
1.6 Mbit1600000 b
1.7 Mbit1700000 b
1.8 Mbit1800000 b
1.9 Mbit1900000 b
2 Mbit2000000 b
2.1 Mbit2100000 b
2.2 Mbit2200000 b
2.3 Mbit2300000 b
2.4 Mbit2400000 b
2.5 Mbit2500000 b
2.6 Mbit2600000 b
2.7 Mbit2700000 b
2.8 Mbit2800000 b
2.9 Mbit2900000 b
3 Mbit3000000 b
3.1 Mbit3100000 b
3.2 Mbit3200000 b
3.3 Mbit3300000 b
3.4 Mbit3400000 b
3.5 Mbit3500000 b
3.6 Mbit3600000 b
3.7 Mbit3700000 b
3.8 Mbit3800000 b
3.9 Mbit3900000 b