TB to PB Conversion

Please enter the terabytes (TB) value to convert to petabytes (PB).

Terabytes to Petabytes
1 TB = 0.001 PB (in decimal)
1 TB = 0.0009765625 PB (in binary)

How many Petabytes in a Terabyte

1 Terabyte is equal to 0.001 petabytes (decimal).
1 TB = 10-3 PB in base 10 (SI).

1 Terabyte is equal to 0.0009765625 petabytes (binary).
1 TB = 2-10 PB in base 2.

Difference Between TB and PB

Terabyte unit symbol is TB, Petabyte unit symbol is PB.
Petabyte is greater than Terabyte. TB has the prefix Tera. PB has the prefix Peta. Petabyte is 1000 times bigger than Terabyte.

Terabytes vs Petabytes

Terabytes (TB)Petabytes (PB)
1012 bytes (base 10)1015 bytes (base 10)
10004 bytes10005 bytes
1,000,000,000,000 bytes1,000,000,000,000,000 bytes
240 bytes (base 2)250 bytes (base 2)
1,099,511,627,776 bytes1,125,899,906,842,624 bytes
1,000,000,000,000 × 8 bits1,000,000,000,000,000 × 8 bits
8,000,000,000,000 bits8,000,000,000,000,000 bits


Terabyte (TB) is a digital information measurement unit which is going to be extensively used in the nearest future for measuring the size of computer RAM, etc., but now it is used for measuring the amount of digital information in online libraries, digital archives, and so on. 1 terabyte is equal to 1000 gigabytes, or 1012 bytes. However, in terms of information technology or computer science, 1 TB is 240 or 10244 bytes, which is equal to 1,099,511,627,776 bytes.

Terabyte in SI and base 10 (decimal)
1 Terabyte = 10004 bytes
1 Terabyte = 1,000,000,000,000 bytes
Terabyte in base 2 (binary)
1 Terabyte = 240 bytes
1 Terabyte = 10244 bytes
1 Terabyte = 1,099,511,627,776 bytes


Petabyte (PB) is a digital information measurement unit used to represent quite large amounts of information like monthly or annual digital information exchange between some websites, or measuring the size of some digital archives of large websites, etc. It is interesting that recently scientists came up with the theory that a human brain can store data of up to 2.5 PB. According to the SI standards, one petabyte is equal to 1,000 terabytes or 1015 bytes. This unit is extensively used in telecommunication, large data storage systems, cloud backup, computer games, and many other related fields.

Petabyte in SI and base 10 (decimal)
1 Petabyte = 10005 bytes
1 Petabyte = 1,000,000,000,000,000 bytes
Petabyte in base 2 (binary)
1 Petabyte = 250 bytes
1 Petabyte = 10243 bytes
1 Petabyte = 1,125,899,906,842,624 bytes

How to Calculate Terabytes to Petabytes

Terabyte in SI
1 Terabyte = 10004 bytes
We know that 1PB = 10005 bytes, so
1 byte = 1000-5 petabytes
putting 1 byte in terabyte equation;
1 Terabyte = 10004 * 1000-5 PB
1 Terabyte = 1000-1 Petabytes
1 Terabyte = 0.0001 Petabytes

TB to PB in Base 2

Terabyte in base 2
1 Terabyte = 240 bytes
1 Terabyte = 10244 bytes
1 byte = 1024-5 PB
1 Terabyte = 10244 * 1024-5 PB
1 Terabyte = 1024-1 Petabytes
1 Terabyte = 2-10 Petabytes
1 Terabyte = 0.0009765625 Petabytes

TB to PB Conversion Table

Terabytes (TB) Petabytes (PB) decimal Petabytes (PB) binary
1 TB0.001 PB0.0009765625 PB
2 TB0.002 PB0.001953125 PB
3 TB0.003 PB0.0029296875 PB
4 TB0.004 PB0.00390625 PB
5 TB0.005 PB0.0048828125 PB
6 TB0.006 PB0.005859375 PB
7 TB0.007 PB0.0068359375 PB
8 TB0.008 PB0.0078125 PB
9 TB0.009 PB0.0087890625 PB
10 TB0.01 PB0.009765625 PB
11 TB0.011 PB0.0107421875 PB
12 TB0.012 PB0.01171875 PB
13 TB0.013 PB0.0126953125 PB
14 TB0.014 PB0.013671875 PB
15 TB0.015 PB0.0146484375 PB
16 TB0.016 PB0.015625 PB
17 TB0.017 PB0.0166015625 PB
18 TB0.018 PB0.017578125 PB
19 TB0.019 PB0.0185546875 PB
20 TB0.02 PB0.01953125 PB
21 TB0.021 PB0.0205078125 PB
22 TB0.022 PB0.021484375 PB
23 TB0.023 PB0.0224609375 PB
24 TB0.024 PB0.0234375 PB
25 TB0.025 PB0.0244140625 PB
26 TB0.026 PB0.025390625 PB
27 TB0.027 PB0.0263671875 PB
28 TB0.028 PB0.02734375 PB
29 TB0.029 PB0.0283203125 PB
30 TB0.03 PB0.029296875 PB
31 TB0.031 PB0.0302734375 PB
32 TB0.032 PB0.03125 PB
33 TB0.033 PB0.0322265625 PB
34 TB0.034 PB0.033203125 PB
35 TB0.035 PB0.0341796875 PB
36 TB0.036 PB0.03515625 PB
37 TB0.037 PB0.0361328125 PB
38 TB0.038 PB0.037109375 PB
39 TB0.039 PB0.0380859375 PB
40 TB0.04 PB0.0390625 PB
41 TB0.041 PB0.0400390625 PB
42 TB0.042 PB0.041015625 PB
43 TB0.043 PB0.0419921875 PB
44 TB0.044 PB0.04296875 PB
45 TB0.045 PB0.0439453125 PB
46 TB0.046 PB0.044921875 PB
47 TB0.047 PB0.0458984375 PB
48 TB0.048 PB0.046875 PB
49 TB0.049 PB0.0478515625 PB
50 TB0.05 PB0.048828125 PB

Terabytes Converters